
Newly constructed Iditarod Headquarters, spring 1986, photo by Jim Brown

As many of you know, the Iditarod Trail Committee has been successful in obtaining partial Rasmuson Foundation grant funds to supercede the original cedar shingle roof of the ITC Headquarters in Wasilla built in 1986. We are so very thankful that the Rasmuson Foundation has awarded the ITC needed capital funds to replace our roof.

A crucial chemical element of the grant, which Rasmuson attributed to our success, was finding a partner who would contribute in kind materials to the projection. We were fortunate to notice a contractor, Rain Proof Roofing, who approached their shingle supplier, Malarkey, who donated roof flashing and their highest end shingles (Windsor, lifetime warranty, rated to 140mph winds) valued at $half-dozen,673. Thanks Pelting Proof Roofing and Malarkey!

Our total budget for the roof replacement is $24,110. $vi,673 was recorded as a materials donation leaving $17,437. ITC was awarded $13,000 from Rasmuson.  That left the states $4,437 brusk of our financial goal for the project.

Thanks to an online asking on the ITC webpage and through our Facebook business relationship nosotros were successful in raising an additional $two,836, amazing!  We are nonetheless a petty curt and therefore the ITC would like to invite all of you to contribute to the roof project by making a donation here, to help usa heighten the extra $one,601.

Thanks so much in accelerate!  Remember, the adjacent race begins on March 4, 2017. Simply 204 days away!

Newly constructed Iditarod Headquarters, spring 1986, photo by Jim Brown

Newly constructed Iditarod Headquarters, bound 1986, photo by Jim Brown